Monday, June 7, 2010

Forgetful me...

I completely forgot to grab the memory card this morning so that I could upload some awesome pictures from this weekend's birthday party. Sigh... my brain is mush these days. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I will NEVER get used to being woken up before 6am. Yesterday we were granted sleep until 6am and it was wonderful. I felt rested and great all day! Today, 3:33am, then 5:20am. I hate complaining, but she used to be such an awesome sleeper...

Any thoughts on how to Black Out her windows in the hopes she might sleep longer?

1 comment:

Katarina said...

use dark towels (like navy or purple) over her curtains; then, on top of the towels drap a dark coloued blanket.
It works in Alexandra's room, and her curtains are a cream colour to light blocking qualities there!